National Collegiate 4-H


Communication between members of collegiate 4-H groups is vital. Without it you can not have a successful organization or be able to retain members. Below are some various suggestions on ways to strengthen communication between members.

E-mail Lists

Having an e-mail listserv to send out updates to club members is important. Many universities offer listserv options for student organizations. If this is not available at your school, then it is easy to create groups on other websites, Google and Yahoo for example, that will let you maintain listservs. However, you decide to create your list, make sure it is done in a way that can be passed on to a new person.

It is important to e-mail club members’ important information such as meeting dates, events and opportunities. But you want to be careful of how many e-mails are sent to members. If you flood your members inboxes, they may start to ignore e-mails and miss important information. Some ideas on ways to make your e-mails effective include:

  • Send out a weekly e-mail update. Have all officers send any updates they have to one person and send everything in one e-mail.
  • Use bullet points to separate topics. It breaks the e-mail up and makes it easier to find key points.
  • Restrict who can send e-mails out on the listserv. Make it so only those who need to send e-mails have that ability. Everyone else who has something to send out would need to send it to those people and they can forward it to the club.
  • Update the listserv constantly. Make sure all new members are added immediately. If someone graduates, remove them and put their information on your alumni lists (unless they request to stay on the list).


Facebook has become a popular form of networking, especially among college students. Create a Facebook group for your club. Encourage members to join the global group also. Post club updates on your groups page. Create events for club events, meetings etc. Use the group wall to hold discussions and gather information on what people would be interested in doing.

Also, use Facebook to find and recruit new members. Post information on other groups walls. Invite people in other 4-H or related groups to meetings and events. Place your information in as many areas as possible so that it grabs people’s attention.  See more on Club Promotion.