National Collegiate 4-H

Starting a New Collegiate 4-H Club

Club Establishment Guidelines (Word) These are the official guidelines towards creating a Collegiate 4-H club, if a club is to be recognized by the National Organization.

Establishing a Club with the National Collegiate 4-H Organization

  • Step 1: Research

    Find out what is required by your state 4-H office, your region, and university’s office that deals with student organizations (if you are using your university name). This may include workshop attendance and paperwork, but every university has different requirements.

  • Step 2: Partner with an advisor (optional, but recommended)

    Partner with an advisor (a 4-H professional, for example). This is optional, unless it is required by your state 4-H office or university.

  • Step 3: Find and recruit members

    Find and recruit potential new members for your Collegiate 4-H organization.

  • Step 4: Write a constitution

    Using the requirements given to you by your state 4-H office or university, write a constitution. Enclose the constitution when you submit this document.

  • Step 5: Recognition from your state 4-H office

    Do the requirements for starting a Collegiate 4-H club in your state, if any, that you found out in Step 1. Attach documentation that your state 4-H office is recognizing your club as an official Collegiate 4-H organization in your state.

  • Step 6: Recognition from your university (if you are using a university name)

    From what you found out in step 1, complete the steps required by your university. Attach documentation that your university has accepted you as an official, recognized student organization.

  • Step 7: Hold a meeting and elect officers

    Hold your first meeting and elect officers. Enclose the minutes to this meeting when you submit this document.

  • Step 8: Complete contact information sheet

    Complete the information sheet found on page 5 of the Club Establishment Guidelines.

  • Step 9: Recognition from your region

    Complete all requirements set by your region.

  • Step 10: Payment of national dues

    National dues are $5 per member to a maximum of $50, please see Article II, Section C of the constitution for more details

  • Step 11: Fill out the Club Establishment Guidelines

    Fill out the Club Establishment Guidelines and mail them to the National Collegiate 4-H Business Manager.


Note: In order to be able to use the 4-H name and emblem, a Collegiate 4-H club must receive a 4-H charter. It is the responsibility of the county or state 4-H program to supply a Collegiate 4-H club with a 4-H charter.

State Collegiate 4-H Handbooks

Several states have put together State Collegiate 4-H Handbooks that offer assistance to clubs forming in those states. These states have made their documents available for distribution. Check these out for more ideas:

Special thanks to California and Georgia Collegiate 4-H for allowing us to share their resources.